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Version: 2.0


GraphGrid utilizes both Elastic Logstash, and Elastic Application Performance Monitoring (APM). Both are enabled out of the box. While Logstash provides some convenient features like filtering, you can still view logs directly from the Docker containers.

Enabling / Disabling

To use APM, the apm-server Docker service must be running. Additionally, all core GraphGrid services must have the following environment variables set:


By default, the variables above are set in data/env/graphgrid.env which is loaded by all applicable services in docker-compose.yml.

Log capture relies on both the logstash and logspout services. If you would like Logstash to stop capturing logs, comment out or remove the two services from docker-compose.yml

Configuring Logstash

While APM should work out of the box, Logstash requires one manual set up step. Start by accessing Kibana at port 5601. Click on "Management" in the sidebar, and then on "Index Patterns" under Kibana.

Next, enter logstash-* as the index pattern. Click "Next step", and then select @timestamp from the dropdown. Finally, click on "Create index pattern". You should now be able to view logs from the "Discover" tab in the sidebar. If you're looking to see logs for a particular service, filter by docker.image.