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Version: 2.0

SDK Method Reference

GraphGrid Python SDK

This page is a reference for SDK set up, SDK methods, and SDK response types.

For information about the SDK and how to use it please see the page on SDK Usage.

GraphGrid SDK Set Up

Bootstrap Config

The SdkBootstrapConfig object provides the minimum configuration so the SDK can work properly.

ParameterDefault valueDescription
access_keyNoneOauth access key
secret_keyNoneOauth secret key
url_base (optional)"localhost"Base address for SDK requests (execution outside of docker)
is_docker_context (optional)FalseWhether execution is inside of docker

The required parameters access_key and secret_key are OAuth keys used to access Security Module token endpoints.

The other two optional parameters, url_base and is_docker_context, are set based on where the SDK code is to be executed.

The parameter is_docker_context is a boolean and defaults to False. If the SDK code is to be executed inside a docker container (ex. a custom DAG or a stand-alone python microservice) then is_docker_context must be True for SDK calls to function properly.

The parameter url_base specifies what base address the SDK should use to call GraphGrid module endpoints. This only works when the SDK code is executed outside of a docker context, for example natively running an SDK python script against a local CDP deployment.

Though a user can specify both, they function as mutually exclusive parameters: when is_docker_context is True the SDK no longer uses the url_base, and when is_docker_context is False the url_base is used for all SDK calls.

GraphGridSdk Object

The GraphGridSdk object is the core SDK python object used by the programmer in order to make SDK calls.

The GraphGridSdk is always constructed with a SdkBootstrapConfig object.

bootstrap_config = SdkBootstrapConfig(

sdk = GraphGridSdk(boostrap_config)

GraphGrid SDK Methods

There are currently seven SDK methods available for use:

nmt_trainKick off training job
nmt_statusStatus and results of a training job
job_runKick off a custom job
job_statusStatus of a custom job
save_datasetSave a dataset for training
promote_modelPromote an NLP model, swapping it in for use
nmt_train_pipelineKick off NLP model training pipeline

The nmt_train and nmt_status methods are provided to trigger, monitor, and retrieve results from a nlp-model-training DAG run. In contrast, the methods job_run and job_status are provided to trigger and monitor custom DAGs.

The nmt_train_pipeline method is specifically for kicking off NLP model training pipeline, it runs training jobs, monitors them, and can promote the newly trained models.

The following subsections dive into the method parameters, their usage, and some examples.

NLP Model Training Methods

NMT Train

The nmt_train SDK call is used to kick off model training. It triggers a new run for the nlp_model_training DAG.

The training specifics and configuration come in through the request_body. Please see the following section on airflow training request bodies.

ParameterDefault valueDescription
request_bodyNoneTraining request body for nlp_model_training DAG run

Here is an example of triggering a named_entity_recognition model training job, using the sample-dataset.jsonl dataset.

# Train a new model
training_request_body: TrainRequestBody = TrainRequestBody(model="named_entity_recognition",
no_cache=False, gpu=False)

train_response: NMTTrainResponse = sdk.nmt_train(training_request_body)

The response type is NMTTrainResponse.

"status_code": 200,
"exception": None,
"dagId": "nlp_model_training",
"dagRunId": "manual__2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"state": "queued",
"startDate": None,
"endDate": None,
"logicalDate": "2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"externalTrigger": True,
"conf": {
"no_cache": False,
"model": "named_entity_recognition",
"datasets": "sample-dataset.jsonl",
"gpu": False

NMT Status

The nmt_status SDK call is used for getting the status and results of model training. It can be used to programmatically monitor training jobs.

ParameterDefault valueDescription
dagRunIdNoneThe unique id for the DAG run

The dagRunId is the id of the specific training job and is required to access the job's status. You can get the dagRunId from the NMTTrainResponse returned by triggering a new training job, or you can get it directly from the Airflow Webserver UI.

status_response: NMTStatusResponse = sdk.nmt_status(train_response.dagRunId)

The status response NMTStatusResponse contains generic DAG run information, and if the training job has finished is then populated with information about the training results.

Also see example SDK usage for how this can be used to monitor a training job in real time.

Example NMTStatusResponse while running model training:

"status_code": 200,
"exception": None,
"dagId": "nlp_model_training",
"dagRunId": "manual__2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"state": "running",
"startDate": "2022-05-05T14:29:55.617307+00:00",
"endDate": None,
"logicalDate": "2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"externalTrigger": True,
"conf": {
"no_cache": False,
"model": "named_entity_recognition",
"datasets": "sample-dataset.jsonl",
"gpu": False
"savedModelName": None,
"savedModelFilename": None,
"savedModelUrl": None,
"trainingAccuracy": None,
"trainingLoss": None,
"evalAccuracy": None,
"evalLoss": None,
"properties": None

Example NMTStatusResponse once training has successfully finished:

"status_code": 200,
"exception": None,
"dagId": "nlp_model_training",
"dagRunId": "manual__2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"state": "success",
"startDate": "2022-05-05T14:29:55.617307+00:00",
"endDate": "2022-05-05T14:38:00.974698+00:00",
"logicalDate": "2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"externalTrigger": True,
"conf": {
"no_cache": False,
"model": "named_entity_recognition",
"datasets": "sample-dataset.jsonl",
"gpu": False
"savedModelName": "20220428T174621-nerModel",
"savedModelFilename": "20220428T174621-nerModel.tar.gz",
"savedModelUrl": "http://minio:9000/com-graphgrid-nlp/2.0.0/20220428T174621-nerModel/20220428T174621-nerModel.tar.gz",
"trainingAccuracy": 0.842,
"trainingLoss": 0.13,
"evalAccuracy": None,
"evalLoss": None,
"properties": {
"languages": [

Custom Job Methods

Job Run

The job_run SDK method provides a way to trigger a custom job (DAG run).

ParameterDefault valueDescription
dag_idNoneThe name or id of the DAG
request_bodyNoneConfig values to be used in DAG run

The following example triggers the some-dag DAG with the specified request_body:

run_response: DagRunResponse = sdk.job_run(dag_id="some-dag",
request_body={ "conf": {"exampleConfig": "example" })}

The return type is a DagRunResponse.

"status_code": 200,
"exception": None,
"dagId": "some-dag",
"dagRunId": "manual__2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"state": "queued",
"startDate": None,
"endDate": None,
"logicalDate": "2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"externalTrigger": True,
"conf": {
"exampleConfig": "example"

Job Status

The job_status SDK call returns a job's (DAG run) status. The dag_id and dag_run_id must both be provided to access the DAG run status.

ParameterDefault valueDescription
dag_idNoneThe name or id of the DAG
dag_run_idNoneThe unique id for the DAG run

The following example retrieves the status for DAG run manual__2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00 under the some-dag DAG.

status_response: DagRunResponse = sdk.job_status(dag_id="some-dag",

The return type is a DagRunResponse.

"status_code": 200,
"exception": None,
"dagId": "some-dag",
"dagRunId": "manual__2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"state": "running",
"startDate": "2022-05-05T14:29:55.617307+00:00",
"endDate": None,
"logicalDate": "2022-05-05T14:29:54.415545+00:00",
"externalTrigger": True,
"conf": {
"exampleConfig": "example"

Other SDK Methods

The other SDK methods are utility methods that allow you to perform actions programmatically that you would otherwise have to do manually.

Save Dataset

The save_dataset SDK call is used for saving datasets in cloud storage so they can be used for training. Reading-in and saving-out the dataset is done in a streaming manner, so it can handle large datasets.

ParameterDefault valueDescription
data_generatorNoneThe generator streaming training sample lines
dataset_id (optional){{timestamp}}Name/id for the dataset in cloud storage
overwrite (optional)FalseWhether to overwrite the dataset if it already exists

The only required parameter is the data_generator, which is a python generator. These samples can come from anywhere, a local file, some external databse, the ONgDB CDP graph, etc. See this page for more information on the SDK datasets.

By default the dataset name is generated as <timestamp>.jsonl, but a user can provide their own dataset name by using the dataset_id parameter.

Datasets in cloud storage are protected from accidental overwrites, a user must provide the overwrite parameter with a True value to overwrite an existing dataset. A 409 Conflict is issued if a dataset is tried to be overwritten without providing the overwrite=True parameter.

Below is an example for reading in a dataset from a file (training-samples.jsonl) with a generator and saving it out to the name sample-dataset using the SDK:

def read_by_line():
infile = open("training-samples.jsonl", 'r', encoding='utf8')
for line in infile:
yield line.encode()

dataset_response: SaveDatasetResponse = sdk.save_dataset(

The response type is SaveDatasetResponse.

"status_code": 200,
"exception": None,
"path": "s3://com-graphgrid-datasets/sample-dataset.jsonl",
"datasetId": "sample-dataset.jsonl"

Promote Model

The promote_model sdk call promotes a trained model to the NLP module and swaps it in for use.

ParameterDefault valueDescription
model_nameNoneName of the model to promote within cloud storage
environment (optional)"default"The spring config environment to update for the model param

The model_name is the name of the model we wish to promote. Need sentence about 'environment'?

promote_response: PromoteModelResponse = sdk.promote_model(status_response.savedModelName)

The response type is PromoteModelResponse.

"status_code": 200,
"exception": None,
"modelName": "20220428T174621-nerModel",
"task": "ner",
"paramKey": "spring.nlp.ner.model"

Response Types

The SDK methods described return different response objects. This section covers those response objects and what information they provide.


This is the most generic type of response possible. All following response objects inherit from this class and have access to these fields.

status_codestringHTTP status code (ex. 200)
responsestringThe response body
exceptionRequestExceptionException raised (if one occurred)


The PromoteModelResponse contains information about the model promotion.

modelNamestringThe promoted model's name
taskstringThe associated task
paramKeystringThe spring configuration value updated


The SaveDatasetResponse contains information about the saved dataset.

datasetIdstringThe dataset's name
pathstringThe location of the dataset in cloud storage


A DagRunResponse is a generic response for a job (a DAG run). It is returned when triggering a job or when getting a job status. It contains the following job information:

dagIdstringThe DAG id
dagRunIdstringThe job id
statestringThe current state of the job
startDatestringTime job was triggered
endDatestringTime job finished
logicalDatestringTime covered by the job
externalTriggerboolWhether the job was manually triggered or scheduled
confdictJob configuration


The NMTStatusResponse is a subclass of DagRunResponse so it contains all fields in DagRunResponse. While training is occurring NMTStatusResponse can be used to monitor the status of the training job. Once training is completed the NMTStatusReponse also serves as a way to get results about the trained model.

In addition to the status information provided by DagRunResponse an NMTStatusResponse object also contains:

savedModelNamestringThe trained model name (ex. 20210223T221627-nerModel )
savedModelFilenamestringThe trained model filename (ex. 20210223T221627-nerModel.tar.gz )
savedModelUrlstringThe URL location of the trained model
trainingAccuracyfloatThe model's training accuracy
trainingLossfloatThe model's training loss
evalAccuracyfloatThe model's evaluation accuracy
evalLossfloatThe model's evaluation loss
propertiesdictProperties of the trained model (ex. languages)

These fields populated with information about the trained model once the training job has been successfully completed. Because of this, these fields will not be available during training.


Currently identical to DagRunResponse.