MERGE (a:Article {feedName: "default", author: "", link: "", description: "An open source, high performance, native graph store with everything you would expect from an enterprise-ready database, including high availability clustering, ACID transactions, and Geequel, an intuitive, pattern-centric graph query language", language: "en", source: "graphfoundation", updatedDate: "", title: "ONgDB - Graphs for the People!", uri: "191211152439609", pubDate: "2021-04-01T15:30:59Z", content: "An open source, high performance, native graph store with everything you would expect from an enterprise-ready database, including high availability clustering, ACID transactions, and Geequel, an intuitive, pattern-centric graph query language. Developers use graph theory-based structures that we call nodes and relationships instead of rows and columns. For many use cases, ONgDB will provide orders of magnitude performance benefits compared to non-native graph, relational and NoSQL databases. Key advantages Open Native Graph Database (ONgDB) offers for enterprises include: Referential Integrity: ONgDB is a reliable, scalable and high-performing native graph database that is suitable for enterprise use. Applying proper ACID characteristics is a foundation of data reliability. ONgDB ensures that operations involving the modification of data happen within a transaction to guarantee consistent data. Quality Performance: When it comes to data relationship handling, ONgDB will vastly improve performance when dealing with network examination and depth based queries traversing out from a selected starting set of nodes within the native graph store. In comparison, relationship queries for a traditional database will come to a stop when the depth and complexity of the network around a single entity increases beyond a handful of JOIN operations. Flexibility: ONgDB provides data architect groups at businesses advantages in handling data changes because the schema and structure of a graph model is flexible when industries and applications change. Instead of modeling a domain in advance, when new data needs to be included in the graph structure the schema will update when it is written to the graph. Agility: Creating with Open Native Graph Database perfectly aligns with with lean interactive development practices, which lets your graph database evolve with the rest of the application and evolving business needs. ONgDB is enabling rapid development and agile maintenance. Cache Sharding: ONgDB provides scale-out, in-memory read sharding to allow a high cache hit ratio where reads that are relevant to each instance in the cluster will warm the cache without needing to load the whole graph into memory. There are many exciting features coming soon that will benefit the enterprise community. If you have a feature you'd like to see, let us know! ", lastSearchIndexedAt: "2021-01-01T15:45:47+00:00", updatedAt: "2021-01-01T15:45:42+00:00"})